Club Records

Going forward the club records are being brought inline with the club standards and championship age groups which means currently we have a few blank spots.
To get a record you have to be first claim at the time with Widnes running club and have raced on an officially measured route. Just be aware if a time you submit is bested before it gets to the page it won’t get to the page. Good luck with hunting your archives.

  • records WILL be backfilled
  • it is on the onus of the record holder (or someone else) to inform us of their record
  • we will give until 30 June 2024 to backfill. This date was chosen as it aligns with the first claim cut off date.
  • going forward you (or someone else) will have four weeks from the date of setting the record to inform us to update the website.

All current records can be found on the club website.
We are also taking the opportunity to update the standards to the current levels.