Club Code of Conduct

It is a requirement upon sign up and annual renewal for members to agree to abide by the WRC and UKA codes of conduct


  • As a club, members come together to participate and enjoy a common interest in running.
    The purpose of this club code of conduct is to establish the standards of behaviour expected of everyone involved in Widnes Running Club.
The code of conduct applies to all club members, officers and coaches. It applies to all activities, including, but not limited to:
  • At official club training sessions, including when members meet before and after the session.
  • At races and competitions attended by club members, this includes when members travel to and from events.
  • Online and on social media (eg: Facebook, Instagram, Strava, Spond). This includes activity within the club’s own groups/pages, and in interactions between club members in contexts where members’ activity may reflect upon the club.
  • At official club social events
  • In any activities seen as representing the club
  • Members should respect the rights, dignity and worth of other members and participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
  • All members should strive to be a positive role model and treat other athletes and officials with the same level of respect they would expect to be shown to them.
  • Members must not post, speak or behave in a manner which could be construed as racist, sexist, offensive, confidential, abusive, derogatory, defamatory, illegal, violent, harassment or bullying; or otherwise use language or behaviour the committee deems to have been unacceptable under the circumstances in question.
  • Members must not undermine, put down or belittle other members or athletes.
  • Members should avoid using abusive language.
  • Members should consider their impact on others particularly when posting or responding to posts on social media especially with posts or comments that could be described/defended as “banter” or “humour”. Either deliberately or unintentionally, such posts can intimidate, undermine and disturb. The committee reserves the right to delete such posts and exclude the author.
  • Any form of bullying or harassment will not be tolerated.
  • Members must refrain from airing their grievances towards other members at training, events, on all social media sites and at club social gatherings.
  • Members should not engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.
  • Members must not bring the club into disrepute.
  • Any grievances/complaints should be made to the Club Secretary at or the Club Welfare Officers at
  • If anything makes you concerned or uncomfortable or if you think a fellow athlete has suffered from misconduct you should inform the Club Welfare Officers at or in person. Any information given will be treated in confidence wherever possible.

Members must adhere to the club’s rules as defined in its constitution and other policies which can be found in the files section on Spond or by request to the Club Secretary via email to

Integrity and fair play
Members must conduct themselves with integrity and participate within the rules of the sport, recognising the decisions of officials and event organisers. Members:
  • Should promote the positive aspects of the sport, recognising everyone has different motivations.
  • Should place the welfare and safety of members and athletes above other considerations, including the development of performance.
  • Must not race under someone else’s name or race number, or knowingly allow someone else to race under theirs.
  • Must not participate in an event under false pretence.
  • Should never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited substances.
Breaches of the code of conduct
A member of the club who violates the code of conduct may:
  • Be asked to apologise.
  • Receive a verbal or written warning from the club committee.
  • Be suspended from the club.
  • Be required to leave the club, subject to the procedure described in the club’s constitution.
Appendix - UKA Code of Conduct
As a responsible athlete, I will:
  • abide by the UKA and the HCAF Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures
  • abide by the UKA and the HCAF Adult Safeguarding Policy and Adult Safeguarding Procedures
  • respect the rights of every athlete, coach, technical official and others involved in athletics and treat everyone equitably
  • uphold the same sporting values away from sport as I do when I am engaged in athletics
  • participate within the rules of the sport, respect decisions of coaches and officials, and demonstrate respect towards fellow athletes
  • cooperate fully with others involved in the sport such as coaches, technical officials, team managers, doctors, physiotherapists, sport scientists and representatives of the governing body in my best interests and those of other athletes
  • consistently promote positive aspects of the sport and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited substances
  • anticipate and be responsible for my own needs, including being organised, having the appropriate equipment and being on time
  • inform my coach of any other coaching that I am seeking or receiving
  • act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others
  • in no way undermine, put down or belittle other athletes, coaches or practitioners
  • avoid swearing and abusive language whilst in athletic venues, at club functions and events, or when as part of a team/squad
  • never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour
  • challenge and report inappropriate behaviour and language by others
  • not misuse or abuse sporting equipment and venues
  • not carry or consume alcohol or illegal substances while training or competing in athletics
  • maintain strict boundaries between friendship and intimacy with a coach or official
  • use safe transport or travel arrangements
  • act ethically, professionally and with integrity, and take responsibility for your actions.
I understand that if I do not follow the code, action can be taken by my club and I may:
  • be asked to apologise for my behaviour
  • receive a verbal warning from my coach
  • receive a verbal or written warning from the club committee
  • be suspended from attending club training sessions
  • be suspended from the club
  • be required to leave the club